two white mailing envelopes

Why this was ever called the flu or influenza I cannot fathom. “Flu” sounds like a timid little girl sneezing while “influenza” sounds like a peppy dance step. The names do not hold the agony of a raging headache and sore muscles and a scratchy throat and a runny nose and overall miserableness.

Granted, I’m a cheerful patient today. It’s the weekend, the sun is up and shining, and I went home from work last night being fussed over by Mommy Sheila (one of my fellow agents at UI; a bright comfortable motherly lady – she told me to bundle up and keep warm and wear socks and have some chicken soup and drink lots of water and sleep).

Right now I’m reading C.S. Lewis’ Letters To An American Lady and thinking how nice it would’ve been to correspond with someone like THAT. His letters were funny and wise, personable without being too personal, and human. Lewis, apparently, hated the chore of letter-writing, but he wrote them everyday because he believed in acknowledging every single fan who took the time to write to him. Lewis never met the lady, but the correspondence lasted for around ten years. That’s longer than most friendships I’ve had.

If you had to pick one person to correspond with, who would you choose? (I’d probably want to receive letters from Nick Joaquin.)

Photo by Liam Truong on Unsplash

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  1. I call it Peruvian Death Flu, so it sounds more serious. Feel better *pets*

  2. Poor baby.
    *feeds ice cream*
    Sorry you’re feeling poorly. Sleep a lot!

  3. OK. Forgive the icon. My friend just told me she wasn’t going to college… and then she was kidding. So I got mad.
    I hope you feel better… No, really, I do.
    Because I heart you!

  4. That sounds more fitting. Thank you. *wheezes*

  5. Yes, it makes everything better. Thank you. 🙂

  6. And I hope you feel better soon.

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