shake it shake it shake it salami

sliced meats and meat clever

This Wednesday I tried my hand at making my own packed lunch. I’ve never been a kitchen person, and almost the only thing I cook is chicken noodle soup (which is cheating, because really, just add water)

Apparently, I’m even crap at frying salami (yes, I fry salami, I hate it soft). I got a few hot oil spatters, but I packed it with the rice and sliced tomatoes in ten minutes flat because I was running late. When breaktime came, the fork simply bounced off the salami. Well, at least the tomatoes were okay.

This morning, though, I cooked a batch for Nessie and me and it turned out better, I think. Only this time I forgot the tomatoes. *facepalm* And I was so looking forward to having them with the eggs and sinangag because they were cold and crisp.

I should learn to cook. I should also try to not fry or boil (the only forms of cooking known to me, aside from microwaving and toasting) everything. To think that I’ve been living away from home for almost half my life.

And yes, I should eat more vegetables.

Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

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  1. I can’t cook either. I can make an awesome salad, but that’s pretty meaningless since it doesn’t take any talent 🙂

  2. Yay! for us kitchen disasters! Well, desserts I can do pretty well, as long as there’s no fire involved. 🙂

  3. I think about that all the time. The fact that I should learn to cook at least something. I fry excellent pancakes if the pastry’s been made (by my mum), maybe even fry eggs on a good day, but to think of a soup or anything more complicated than just-add-water things, oh. And I know a guy my age who can cook all sorts of things, and I think of my sister, who’s pretty much the best cook I know. Shaaaaaayme. Long live raw stuff that requires no baking/boiling/frying 😀

  4. Long live raw stuff that requires no baking/boiling/frying 😀
    I couldn’t agree more! (Though technically, they’ll be dead, right?) I mean, I think if I’m ever gonna marry (or live with someone for the rest of my life), that other ought to know how to cook, or we’d simply subsist on insta-noodles and oatmeal and stuff like that. Or if I never do, I’ll hire a cook.

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