orange lobster

1 (January 8, 2011)

I was in a grassy field with a hundred violinists. We were loaded into two buses and drove away.

2 (January 8, 2011)

I went to the bathroom at a party. In the bathroom was a tub with two shrimp and a dragon, waiting to be cooked. Since they seemed to have been there for a pretty long time, the shrimp were dead (or almost dead), floating on their side. The dragon was alive, but the shell on its back – similar to that of a lobster – was cracked, revealing its soft body inside.

It swam up to me and said, “Are you an ox?”

I said, “What do you mean? No, I’m human.”

It swished its tail and said, “Really? Because you smell German.”

It didn’t have a snout like other regular dragons. It had a blunt, curved beak like a parrot’s, and was partly scaly, partly sandpapery like a shark. Its tail was like a fat mud-puppy’s. It was bluish-gray and had a dark-speckled back. And unlike its unfortunate tub-companions, it looked alert and quite friendly. I stepped back, uncertain if I should continue talking to what would be dinner later.

3 (April 5, 2011)

I was in a vampire family picnic with lots of kids (vampires) and nursemaids (human). I was naked from the waist up but my hair was long and curly, reaching down to my ankles. A kid vomited a yellow bracelet. He had bitten off the hand of another kid, who was actually a clown in disguise who killed monsters for a living.

4 (April 5, 2011)

Two characters: a man and a dwarf. The man was about to be wed, and the dwarf was buying him some gifts at a menswear shop. The dwarf reserved room 404 (4 floors below the ground floor) for a private fitting. When they got there, a ghost with an old grudge turned the dwarf into an insect and put him inside a blow-up plastic toy bear. Then he placed the man inside a chamber that simulated outer space where entropy was high and it was extremely cold. The the ghost asked them two riddles. First, what did the man need to keep from freezing? The man replied: a suit. Second – how will the dwarf-insect get out of the toy? The man chewed a hole into the bear’s ear and the dwarf crawled out. The ghost put on the man’s space suit and possessed a mannequin and chased them up the stairs.

/1 /2 /3 /4 and then I woke up.


It was a good weekend. Takeaway Chowking with Tim to combat hormones and cabin fever, Surreal Gourmet, Sunday brunch with Carlo and Tim, Legazpi Market (or was that Salcedo? I keep mixing them up) for baklava and quiche, toy stores at Greenbelt, and back to QC – Tim to his folks for some catching up, me to the Dadap house to check on Shelob. She hasn’t molted yet, as expected. Maybe I should get her crickets next Sunday.


On my job: Does one stay and wait? Or does one venture out into the unknown? It seems I’m only happy working when I know I have some other thing to do, like Dakila.

Photo by Daniel Norris on Unsplash

Photo by Daniel Norris on Unsplash

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