black and white dolphin in water

So. After a lot of serious contemplating I’ve decided I’m not going. Feels like a big weight has lifted off my chest. I kinda feel bad for the person selling those U2 tickets, but if anyone’s interested, maybe you can e-mail him/her.

Instead, I’m going home for a weekend at the end of November and spend some time with my sister and get her a really nice gift because it’s her 19th birthday. She loves C.S. Lewis and Tolkien and frogs and dolphins. She’s one of those happy-clappy Christians that I kinda used to be and she’s bright and funny and brilliant. I’ve no idea what to get her.

Also, some Pokemon stuff for Ian because I wasn’t able to go home on his birthday this year.

On a related note, I remember someone telling me about the five “love languages” – there’s a book somewhere. Time, gifts, touch, service, words. How you usually express your love is usually how you usually want to be shown love, too. Random thing. Hm. I think I’m mostly “words” and least “touch”.

Now, the apartment… it’s just so hard, leaving familiar, comfortable things behind, even if the familiar, comfortable things are infested by roaches and a few good mice. Last night one of the sheets of fly paper under my cabinet trapped a baby mouse. I don’t know what Manang did with it, but I hope if she killed it, she did it quickly.

I’m tons better, by the way. I read a quaint saying somewhere that a cold virus takes three days coming, three days staying, and three days leaving. I’m on the seventh day!

Photo by TJ Fitzsimmons on Unsplash

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  1. Aw 🙁 Well, if you’re saying a weight has lifted off your chest, that probably means that the worrying would have encroached on any pleasure you got out of the exercise. Maybe next time, huh? Enjoy the new apartment, instead! 🙂

  2. It was on such short notice; I wish I’d known sooner so I’d have more time to prepare. But there’ll be others. There’s a time for everything under the sun 🙂

  3. Coughing and hacking from time to time, but mostly gone, yeah. I’ve been a bane to the environment; I’ve consumed enough virgin wood pulp in tissue paper to run a small news outfit the past week.

  4. Aw. I really do hope, then, that they’ll tour round your way soon enough.
    Glad to hear you’re getting better. It should be gone completely by tomorrow ;D

  5. It isn’t yet, but thank you 🙂

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